Areas of application

Additive technologies remove many of the constraints imposed by traditional metal processing methods

We daily manufacture intricately shaped components, reducing production time and the overall cost of final products. Aviation, engineering, aerospace, defense industry, applied science, medicine, dentistry, and jewelry manufacturing are just a partial list of sectors benefiting from our additive technology center (ATC)

We also have established collaborations with research institutes, experimental manufacturing facilities, and design bureaus


Manufacturing of highly complex components for aircraft, rockets, and UAVs

Internal channels

It is possible to print products with thin channels of any shape, trajectory, and cross-section. The channels can be embedded within the wall or pass through the entire product

Products with intricate shapes and thin walls

3D printing allows for setting wall thickness without relying on stock assortment. The wall thickness of even a single component can vary, featuring thinner sections or reinforcements

Utilization of heat-resistant alloys

The utilization of heat-resistant alloys, including those that are difficult to machine, does not complicate the printing process

Mechanical engineering

Consumable parts for industrial setups, non-standard parts with improved characteristics. Replacement of imported components

Cost reduction

One operator can produce the most complex part in just a few hours. Implementing additive technologies simplifies the production chain. There are fewer costs for assembly workshops, soldering, milling work. Labor costs for specialists are reduced

100% repeatability of products

Human factor is eliminated. We can produce 100, 1000, 10000 completely identical products. It functions like an industrial copier

Zero Waste Manufacturing

No need to turn 90% of an expensive alloy blank into chips. A handful of powder is enough to produce a part, even if it has a complex shape


Individual products, printing models obtained through 3D scanning. Mesh structures for better prosthetic integration

Tools with special modifications

Unique tools that are not available on the market can be manufactured. This offers significant opportunities for enhanced work comfort

Titanium products

Titanium products of any shape and structure. Customized manufacturing based on individual models. Printing of lattice structures for better integration

Dental products

Complex shapes, extreme precision (up to 20 microns!), printing of virtual models

Research and Development

The best tool for accelerating project implementation and integration

Minimum batch size - one piece

It is possible to produce small batches or even individual items without costly investments

Prototypes for R&D purposes

Technological capability to create fundamentally new components with no analogs

Iterative approach, time savings

The production time of a prototype is reduced to a couple of days, regardless of the complexity of the product


The flexible approach and the extensive capabilities of SLM printing technology meet all the needs of knowledge-intensive industries


Additive technologies are an excellent solution for creating prototypes. The printing outcome will precisely match the design without the equipment and human factor errors

Studying the behavior of metals and complex alloys

3DLAM 3D printers enable the production of test samples for in-house testing, without the need to transfer the developed product to third parties

Creating intricate forms

Now there are no limitations of traditional technologies. The systems allow creating any shapes and structures


The technology increases the jeweler's productivity and income by tens of times. The use of a 3D printer allows focusing on creativity and expanding production volumes

Products made from challenging-to-process materials

Products made from titanium? Yes, easily

Unique jewelry designs

We will print what is impossible to create manually

Reducing the manufacturing time of jewelry

While competitors produce one piece, the 3D printer creates multiple unique designs. Scalability and the potential for significantly increased revenue

Please send your inquiry to learn more about our SLM 3D printers

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